Jul 2023

Updated Inventories for Accelerated Sales: The Vital Role of Technology in the Real Estate Market

Learn how to keep your inventory information centralized and updated with technology, which will help you speed up your sales and processes.

Updated Inventories for Accelerated Sales: The Vital Role of Technology in the Real Estate Market

How much time and effort does it take you to update your inventory if you have to do it manually in online documents, your website, advertisements, to agents, etc.? 

In today's digitized world, technology plays a key role in virtually every industry, including real estate. When it comes to keeping available unit inventories up to date, the use of technological tools becomes a key factor in the success of sales managers and salespeople.

Read on to learn how technology can help you keep inventory information centralized and up-to-date, improving efficiency and effectiveness in the real estate sales process.

Data centralization and accessibility

The use of technological real estate management systems makes it possible to centralize all relevant property information in one place. In this way, both the sales manager and the salespeople can access updated data quickly and easily. Information on the availability, prices, characteristics and location of the units is just a click away, improving efficiency in decision-making and customer service.

Real-time updating of inventories

The technology facilitates real-time updating of the inventory of available units. Property management systems can be synchronized with multiple publishing channels and websites, allowing any change in the status of a property to be automatically reflected. If a unit is sold, reserved or withdrawn from the market, this information is updated in all the media in which it is published, avoiding confusion or misunderstandings with interested clients.

Automation of repetitive tasks

Technology systems also make it possible to automate repetitive tasks related to inventory management. For example, sending automatic notifications when a unit sells or when a customer shows interest in a specific property. This automation frees up time and resources so that salespeople can focus on providing more personalized attention and focus on closing sales.

Metrics analysis and tracking

The technology offers analytics tools that allow detailed tracking of the performance of the properties in the inventory. These metrics include the number of visits, average time on market, lead conversion rate, among others. The data obtained helps the sales manager and salespeople identify patterns, understand market preferences and adjust their strategy to increase the effectiveness of their sales efforts.

In the competitive world of real estate sales, keeping inventories of available units up to date is essential to the success of any real estate developer. Technology offers powerful solutions that allow you to centralize and update inventory information in real time, improve efficiency, automate tasks and track performance analytics like alohome does.

It is important to mention that the adoption of these tools by sales managers and salespeople is vital to optimize their sales processes, in addition to ensuring a more satisfactory and reliable experience for customers, thus strengthening the developer's position in the real estate market.