Feb 2023

Mexican proptech Alohome launches new functions for developers

With operations in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil and the technology it has created, real estate developers build a website in 90 minutes.

Mexican proptech Alohome launches new functions for developers

The real estate industry is constantly evolving, adapting to new housing needs and habits and, above all, seeking to satisfy the requirements of those involved in Mexico and Latin America.

Therefore, the Mexican proptech Alohome has developed a model that allows developers to create a website autonomously, with user experience (UX/UI) and SEO, so that they can position themselves in the market without asking for help or hiring an additional provider.

The firm has active operations in Colombia and Brazil, and with the technology it has developed, real estate developers build a website in 90 minutes, autonomously.

proptech mexicana alohome - digital showroom

This new functionality makes it possible to build a website in less than 90 minutes and edit it in real time . "With just five clicks, it manages to give the highest visibility to each developer's projects, integrate them and even have a payment platform that allows the user to reserve the property of their choice."

By adding these new functionalities, each developer will have a Software as a Service (SaaS) to modify all the features of its real estate portfolio and market it more efficiently, the firm said in a statement.

And do the marketing directly with your team, avoiding the outsourcing of some processes, said Eduardo Orozco, CEO of the proptech; he added that by implementing these functionalities, the developer will grow its sales by 30 percent and reduce the time to close transactions by up to 50 percent.

Proptech mexicana alohome - showroom design

It was indicated that this year has been a great year for the company, as in the first half of the year it surpassed 500 million dollars (mdd) in inventory managed with its technology, and has the goal for 2022 to exceed 800 million dollars in its catalog and have more than 200 developers in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.